I recently got a PECO bill for $635.28. I found in the app the option to pay this off in installments. They quoted 6 payments of $105.88. No interest or fees.I applied and was accepted. I wondered when the first payment was due. I sent a email inquiry asking the…
Pressure Washer
I have a Homelite Pressure Washer. While I was recently using it I discover both bolts on one side that hold the engine to a the mounting plate were missing. I found one but decided the other was lost. I contacted Homelite but was informed the bolts were discontinued? The…
My Verse
Met with Brenda this morning and discuss my verse as well as other things. We know and rely on the Love God has for us. God is Love. Whoever lives in Love lives in God and God in them. 1 John 4:16 I am going to get involved with ABMOPAD…
I am concerned that I seem to spend most of my waking hours worried about our outstanding debit. With this latest withdraw from our retirement portfolio I expect to get the credit card balances done to 0 or close. Hopefully there will not be any huge expenses until our school…
State of Healthcare
On January 16, 2024 I hurt myself shoveling snow. By the end of the week I felt like I should see the Dr. Something was moving around in my chest. I wasn’t able to get an appointment till 1/26. I saw a PA – Olivia who examined me and said…
Our House
Yesterday we had a new Lenox furnace Installed. It took them about 4 hours. The furnace that was replaced was a Trane system. The AC portion of was not replaced and is still in good shape. The Heater failed because for the second time the humidifier leaked and destroyed the…
My church
I found, installed and got approved a plugin for our Church website almost a year ago. This was after the Pastor asked for a better way to Maintain a church directory. The plugin is called Church Admin. The church secretary under the direction of my Pastor has been working for…